Bandai Namco a annoncé le déploiement du patch 1.15 pour le jeu vidéo Dragon Ball FighterZ. Il devrait apporter des changements important dans le système de combat ainsi que de nombreux équilibrages pour tous les personnages. Tous les personnages seront impactés, voici les détails donné en anglais:
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・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2
→Can now be linked to a Z Change.
→Will always knock the opponent forward on hit.
・Jumping Light Attack
→Fixed an issue in which a Super Combo would not occur if the attack connected at a low position in the air.
・Jumping Heavy Attack
→Descent is faster during a camera shift.
→Shortened the amount of sliding knockdown when the attack hits.
→Can only transition to a Z Change when performed in a grounded Z Combo.
・Mid-air Dragon Rush
→Characters descend faster when the attack lands in a combo.
→Adjusted hurtboxes during crouching and movement (actions other than attacks).
→Increased the base damage of the attack.
→Fixed an issue in which damage scaling would not apply when a projectile connected during an attack.
・Sub-Character Attacks
→Fixed an issue in which guard direction would be reversed if a sub character’s projectile flew past the opponent.
→Moves Changed:
→Android 18: Grounded Support Attack (Unique), Support Attack (Heavy)
→Captain Ginyu: Unique Attack, Together We Are…the Ginyu Force!
→Nappa: Saibaman (Acid)
→Videl: Crouching Unique Attack
・Button Settings
→Simple Dash can be set to « Normal » or « Off ».
→Simple Z Change can be set to « Normal », « Down Input », and « Off ».
◆Goku (Super Saiyan)
・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox during start-up.
・Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack
→Increased distance moved during the attack.
・Jumping Unique Attack
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox during start-up.
・Dragon Flash Fist
→Increased the move’s damage.
→Adjusted properties on hit during camera shift.
→Adjusted mid-air version’s hitbox.
→Goku descends faster after the mid-air version hits an airborne opponent.
・Dragon Flash Fist (Light)
→Increased the duration of the mid-air version of the attack.
→The camera now shifts during the attack.
・Dragon Flash Fist (Heavy)
→Adjusted where Goku appears during the attack.
→Attack start-up now changes based on distance from the opponent.
→Sped up the start-up of the attack when the opponent is in hitstun in the air.
→Stored input for a Super Attack is now possible when the grounded version connects.
→Removed jumping attack properties from the grounded version.
・Flurry Kick
→Increased the move’s stun time.
→Adjusted delay and removed it after landing.
→Increased the move’s damage.
→Increased the move’s damage scaling.
→Adjusted properties on hit during camera shift.
→Removed jumping attack properties from the grounded version.
・Flurry Kick (Light)
→Increased distance moved during the attack.
→Adjusted properties on hit when the grounded version hits an opponent on the ground.
→Fixed an issue in which delay would increase if all hits of the diagonal version did not land.
・Meteor Smash
→Adjusted properties on hit.
◆Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
→Adjusted wake-up time.
・Jumping Unique Attack
→Adjusted when the projectile starts moving.
→Reduced opponent knockback.
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox during start-up.
・Super Dash Kick
→Adjusted properties on hit during camera shift.
・Super Dash Kick (Light)
→Delayed timing during which Vanish can be performed.
・Super Dash Kick (Medium)
→Reduced delay for the mid-air version.
・Crushing Knee Kick
→Increased delay for the mid-air version.
・Crushing Knee Kick (Medium, Heavy)
→Vegeta descends faster when the final hit of the attack connects.
→Shortened the amount of sliding knockdown when the attack hits.
・Interceptor Kick
→Attack will not trigger unless performed with a clean down input.
→Increased delay.
→Adjusted distance moved during the attack.
→When the attack lands mid-air from a low position, the opponent will not bounce off the ground.
→The attack will no longer cross-up the opponent.
・Consecutive Energy Blast
→Increased the move’s damage.
→Increased the amount the Ki gauge is filled.
→Sped up the move’s start-up.
→Shortened the amount of hitstop.
→Increased the grounded version’s stun time.
→Adjusted opponent knockback from the grounded version.
→Adjusted when the projectiles start moving for the mid-air version of the attack.
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox during start-up of the mid-air version.
・Big Bang Attack (Heavy + Unique)
→The opponent will now bounce off the ground when the mid-air version hits.
→Increased the time during which an Ultimate Z Change can be performed during the mid-air version.
→Reduced the base damage of the mid-air version.
・Final Flash
→Adjusted opponent knockback.
→Increased the move’s stun time.
→No actions can be taken until Vegeta lands.
→Vegeta descends faster after the mid-air version of the attack.
・Standing Heavy Attack
→Extended the move’s hitbox upward during start-up.
・Jumping Heavy Attack
→Reduced the move’s damage.
・Standing/Crouching/Jumping Unique Attack
→Increased the move’s damage scaling.
→Increased the move’s damage.
・Demon Shocker
→Reduced the amount of hitstop.
→Cannot be canceled with a Z Change if the attack misses.
・Demon Slicer
→Unified directional input when canceling into Super Attacks, etc.
→The grounded version can no longer withstand contact with a Sparking Blast.
・Demon Slicer (Light)
→Added damage scaling to the first hit of the mid-air version of the attack.
・Demon Slicer (Medium)
→Decreased damage scaling of the first hit of the mid-air version.
・Demon Slicer (Heavy)
→Increased the mid-air version’s damage.
→Added damage scaling to the first hit of the mid-air version of the attack.
→Increased the amount of sliding knockdown from the mid-air version of the attack.
・Demon Elbow
→Sped up the start-up of the attack when the opponent is in hitstun in the air.
→Adjusted properties on hit during camera shift.
・Homing Energy Blast
→Increased the move’s stun time.
→Increased opponent knockback.
→Increased delay when the start-up of the attack connects.
・Hellzone Grenade
→Shortened the interval between Ki Blasts.
→Adjusted properties on hit of the final hit of the attack.
・Z Assist
→Increased the move’s stun time.
→Increased opponent knockback.
◆Gohan (Teen)
・Mid-air Stun
→Extended hurtbox upward when falling.
・Standing Light Attack
→Shortened timing needed to follow up with standing light attack: follow-up 1 when the attack misses.
・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1
→Reduced the delay when landing after the attack.
・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2
→Adjusted distance moved during the attack.
→Gohan will now face the opponent.
→Slowed down the move’s start-up.
・Crouching Light Attack
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox during start-up.
・5-Hit Combo
→Can now be followed up with the heavy version of the attack.
→Attack can now be followed up even if the final hit of the attack connects.
→Shortened vertical hitbox.
→Fixed an issue with Vanish timing during camera shift.
→Decreased delay for the final hit of the attack.
→Reduced opponent knockback from the final hit of the attack.
→Increased stun time for the final hit of the attack.
・5-Hit Combo (Weak)
→Adjusted delay when landing. Gohan will now descend when the attack connects.
・5-Hit Combo (Medium, Heavy)
→Removed jumping attack properties.
→Lowered height and adjusted distance moved during the attack.
→Adjusted delay after landing.
・Super Dragon Flight (Heavy)
→Adjusted properties on hit when there is no camera shift.
→Increased the move’s stun time when there is no camera shift.
・Flying Kick (Light)
→Now able to be held with light, medium, or heavy attack buttons.
→Attacks can be performed before landing.
→Increased delay after landing.
→Adjusted opponent knockback based on their position in the air.
→Increased the move’s stun time.
→Decreased distance moved during the attack.
→Stored input for a Super Attack is now possible when landing.
・Flying Kick (Medium)
→Reduced the move’s damage.
→Decreased the amount the Ki gauge is filled.
・Flying Kick (Medium, Heavy)
→Adjusted distance moved, and added a slight rebound effect after the attack is guarded.
→Increased delay.
→Adjusted properties on hit during camera shift.
・Motionless Kamehameha
→Adjusted properties on hit when the attack lands at close range.
・Z Assist
→Gohan will now appear further forward when near the opponent or the opponent is in hitstun in the air.
Frieza You may not survive this time (Hurtbox has increased)
・Mid-air Stun
→Extended hurtbox upward when falling.
・Mid-air Dragon Rush
→Adjusted distance moved when forcing a switch.
・Standing Light Attack
→Sped up the move’s start-up.
→Increased distance moved during the attack.
・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1
→Lengthened timing needed to link to standing light attack: follow-up 2 when the attack misses.
・Crouching Light Attack
→Sped up the move’s start-up.
・Crouching Medium Attack
→Reduced the amount of hitstop for the first hit of the attack.
→Increased distance moved during the attack.
・Standing Heavy Attack
→Increased the duration of the first hit of the attack.
→Reduced the amount of hitstop for the first hit of the attack when it is guarded.
→Reduced knockback from the first hit of the attack.
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox during start-up.
→Decreased delay.
→Projectile disappears after Vanish.
→Reduced blockstun.
→Increased time for stored input during camera shift.
・Standing Unique Attack
→Reduced stun time for the final hit of the attack.
・Jumping Medium Attack
→Reduced the amount of hitstop for the first hit of the attack.
→Shrunk the hitbox of the first hit of the attack.
→Sped up the move’s start-up.
→Reduced opponent knockback.
→Adjusted speed of the attack when performed in a mid-air combo.
・Jumping ↓ + Heavy Attack
→Adjusted distance moved during the attack.
→The camera shifts when the attack hits an opponent mid-air.
・Jumping ↓ + Unique Attack
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
・Death Slash
→Reduced delay.
→Reduced the amount of hitstop when the attack is guarded.
→Changed timing at which Vanish can be performed.
・Death Slash (Light, Medium)
→Reduced the move’s stun time.
・You might not survive this time
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
→Reduced opponent knockback from the first hit of the attack.
→Reduced delay when the attack does not hit the opponent.
→Reduced blockstun.
→Reduced the projectile’s stun time.
→Sped up the grounded version’s start-up.
・Death Saucer
→Sped up the move’s start-up.
→Decreased delay.
→Increased the move’s damage scaling.
・Warp Smash
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
・Death Ball
→Fixed an issue in which the base damage of the attack would change.
・Nova Strike
→Adjusted properties on hit.
→Adjusted opponent knockback.
→Increased the speed of the attack when it hits.
→Made it more difficult for the attack to cross-up the opponent.
・Golden Frieza
→Adjusted when the Ki gauge fill penalty is applied.
◆Captain Ginyu
・Dragon Rush
→Mid-combo Dragon Rush can now be canceled with a unique attack.
・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1
→Adjusted opponent knockback.
→The speed of the second hit of the attack increases if the first hit connects.
→Reduced the amount of hitstop for the first hit of the attack.
・Standing Heavy Attack
→Able to be charged if held.
→Distance moved can be changed with a back input while holding the button.
・Jumping Light Attack
→Adjusted opponent knockback.
→Sped up the second hit of the attack if the first hit connects.
→If the first hit of the attack hits, the second hit can now by guarded while crouching.
・Standing/Jumping Unique Attack
→The attack will not trigger with a back input.
・Standing/Jumping Unique Attack (Recoome)
→Increased hitstop.
・Jumping Unique Attack (After Body Change)
→Increased delay.
→Retains distance moved before the action occurs.
・All Ginyu Force attacks
→Ginyu Force member’s position now shifts if they appear at the same location as the opponent.
→Knocks the opponent forward upon hit.
→Adjusted timing at which Vanish can be performed.
→Made it difficult to land during the attack when it is performed in the air.
・Together We Are…the Ginyu Force!
→Added a separate command with different properties.
・Together We Are…the Ginyu Force! (Recoome)
→Holding will no longer change the properties of the attack.
→Sped up the separate command version’s start-up.
→Adjusted opponent knockback from the separate command version.
→Increased the separate command version’s hitstop.
→Increased the separate command version’s damage.
→Increased the separate command version’s damage scaling.
→Made Recoome invincible to projectiles for the separate command version.
・Together We Are…the Ginyu Force! (Burter)
→Enlarged the hitbox and hurtbox.
→Burter’s attack will not hit the opponent if he is far away from the opponent.
・Together We Are…the Ginyu Force! (After Body Change)
→Can be performed from Strong Jersey.
・Strong Jersey (Medium)
→Sped up the grounded version’s start-up.
→Adjusted properties on hit.
・Strong Jersey (Heavy)
→Adjusted properties on hit.
・Z Assist
→Reduced opponent knockback.
・Body Change
→Sped up the move’s start-up.
・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1
→Decreased distance moved during the attack.
・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2
→Extended hitbox and contact box upward.
→Fixed an issue in which what triggered a camera shift differed from other characters.
・Crouching Heavy Attack
→Can no longer be canceled into standing unique attack.
・Jumping Heavy Attack
→Increased opponent knockback during camera shift.
・Standing Unique Attack
→Reduced delay when the attack connects.
→Increased timing for stored input.
・Jumping Unique Attack
→Increased timing for stored input.
・Shining Slash
→Increased distance moved during the attack.
→Adjusted delay when landing during camera shift.
→Adjusted properties on hit during camera shift.
→Increased the grounded version’s damage.
・Shining Slash (Light)
→Increased delay.
・Shining Slash (Medium)
→Decreased delay.
・Shining Slash (Heavy)
→Increased delay.
→Sped up the mid-air version’s start-up.
・Cyclone Jump
→Fixed an issue in which part of a Z Combo could not be performed after additional input.
→Increased timing for stored input after follow-up.
→Sped up timing in which follow-ups are possible.
→It’s now possible to follow up the grounded version with the mid-air version.
→The mid-air version can only be used once while in the air.
→The mid-air version will not reduce the number of jumps available.
・Cyclone Jump (Heavy)
→Increased distance moved during the attack.
・Cyclone Buster
→Increased the move’s stun time.
→Sped up the move’s start-up.
→Increased delay.
→Increased timing for stored input.
・Heat Dome Attack
→Reduced the duration of the attack.
→Adjusted distance moved during the attack.
→Adjusted opponent knockback.
→Adjusted position after the attack hits.
・Z Assist
→Reduced the move’s stun time.
→Reduced opponent knockback.
→Where Trunks appears now changes when called in at the edge of the screen.
・Standing Light Attack
→Reduced the duration of the move.
→Sped up the move’s start-up.
・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 1
→Greatly reduced the distance moved with a back input.
→A down input wil also reduce the attack’s speed.
・Standing Light Attack: Follow-up 2
→Extended throw spacing upward.
→Increased time for stored input of Super Dash.
→Increased the move’s stun time.
→Reduced the duration of the move.
→Fixed a visual bug that appeared when a Vanish was performed at a specific time.
・Crouching Light Attack
→Sped up the move’s start-up.
・Crouching Unique Attack
→Adjusted landing time and delay for the full attack.
・Jumping Unique Attack
→Sped up the start-up of the attack when the camera shifts during a jumping heavy attack.
・Rolling Crush
→Adjusted properties on hit.
・Rolling Crush (Light)
→Camera now shifts during the final hit of the attack.
→Slowed down the mid-air version’s start-up.
→Increased the speed of descent for the mid-air version.
→Increased opponent knockback from the mid-air version.
・Rolling Crush (Heavy)
→Increased the move’s stun time.
→Sped up the mid-air version’s start-up.
・Perfect Attack (Light)
→Sped up the start-up of the grounded version’s second hit.
・Perfect Attack (Heavy)
→The opponent is now drawn in when they guard the attack.
→Adjusted effect on hit.
→Reduced the move’s damage.
→Changed the behavior of the final hit of the attack.
→The final hit of the grounded version of the attack will only hit once during a combo.
→Fixed an issue in which delay would be increased if all hits of the diagonal grounded version did not land.
→Fixed an issue in which delay would be increased if all hits of the mid-air version did not land.
→Increased hitstop on the mid-air version.
→Adjusted opponent knockback from the mid-air version.
→Enlarged the mid-air version’s hitbox.
・Z Assist
→Increased hitstop.
→Adjusted opponent knockback.
→Enlarged the move’s hitbox.
Le jeu de combat en 2.5D Dragon Ball FighterZ est sorti en Janvier 2018 sur PlayStation 4, Xbox One et PC développé par Arc System Works.
Date de sortie: 26 Janvier 2018 (France, Belgique, Suisse, Canada, États-Unis, Brésil), 1er Février 2018 (Japon)
Genre: Combat 2.5D
Éditeur : Bandai Namco Games
Développeur : Arc System Works
Plateformes : PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC (via Steam) et Nintendo Switch
Pegi: +12
Dragon Ball © Akira Toriyama/Shueisha, Bird Studio, Toei Animation
Source: V-Jump via ryokutya,
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